It will likely look something like this (notice the use of socialistic property; also, the military is a government-funded entity):

There is even an invitation to use Public Parking for this event. Maybe someone can tell them that President Obama has cut taxes for 98.6% of working households; that President Reagan tripled the national debt, then after President Clinton left office with a surplus, President George W. Bush doubled the debt.
In fact, President George W. Bush increased government spending more than any of the six presidents preceding him, and when adjusted for inflation, Bush increased the federal budget by 104 percent. By comparison, Clinton only increased the federal budget by 11 percent in his eight years. But the most astonishing thing about Bush's spending is that we have nothing to show for it. Any Tea Party in America should only be taking place in President Bush's hometown in Texas.
But most importantly, President Obama was elected by an electoral landslide. Voters spoke less than a year ago, and they overwhelmingly supported President Obama's agenda. Time to get over it.