Monday, January 19, 2009

President Obama One of Most Productive Modern Presidents in First Year; Media Fails Again

We often hear Republicans throw around the "L" word when it comes to the mainstream media, but this has been a myth repeated so often by the Right that people just come to accept it. But the media is not Liberal. The only "L" word that would describe it appropriately is Lazy. If the media actually did its job, then it could be called Liberal, since the truth has always had a Liberal bias :)

The point is that while conservatives, with the help of the media, including Saturday Night Live, try to make it seem President Obama hasn't done much as President, there can't be anything farther from the truth. There have been at least 90 important accomplishments or actions taken by the Obama administration in just 10 months in office. The Pulitzer Prize winning, as of Nov. 25, has kept 55 campaign promises and has another 160 in the works, while only breaking seven promises.