It would be interesting to hear what Jim Renacci would have to say about the bill recently passed in Congress that was nearly unanimously voted against by Republicans. The
$26 billion dollar bill is fully funded, and according to the CBO would
reduce the deficit by $1.3 billion over the next 10 years. This is a perfect Republican bill, right? Fully paid for, reduces deficit, and helps save jobs for middle class Americans?
So what's the problem? Two reasons. One, the modern Republican Party has no policy platform. Their only strategy is to vote against anything Democrats support, particularly if it might help the economy (therefore hurt their chances in the November election). The other reason is that the bill was paid for by
closing tax loopholes for multinational companies that try to claim domestic tax credits. So Republicans, in essence, are choosing to protect large corporations who ship job overseas from paying their due taxes at the expense of teachers, police officers, firefighters and more.
It makes you wonder how self-proclaimed "job creator" Renacci would have voted if he was in Congress. Would he vote in lockstep with his Republican buddies? I imagine so. John Boccieri clearly showed who's side he is on by voting for this bill. And Americans understand this, as
60% support this bill.