Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Conservatives Want To Cut Government Spending — Except They Don't
GOP Obstructionism Undermining US Globally
Read more about how Republican obstructionism is causing other countries to question whether we are in fact the model democracy.Domestic political disputes are hurting America's image abroad, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lamented this morning during testimony before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on the Department of State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs. The hearing addressed the State Department's fiscal year 2011 budget.
Clinton's remarks were in reference to a number of President Obama's diplomatic appointments that were held up by senators for political reasons over the past year.
"We're now more than a year into a new administration and whether you agree or disagree with a particular policy, a president deserves to have the people that he nominates serving him," Clinton said.
"It became harder and harder to explain to countries, particularly countries of significance, why we had nobody in position for them to interact with," she added. Link
Become a Neighborhood Organizer for Ohio Democratic Party!
You can help Knock Out the Republicans for the next 10 years in Ohio, paving the way for a decade of progressive government, in your spare time by building your own network of Democratic supporters in your neighborhood.
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Half of Afghanistan Taliban Leadership Arrested in Pakistan
Pakistan has arrested nearly half of the Afghanistan Taliban’s leadership in recent days, Pakistani officials told the (Christian Science) Monitor Wednesday, dealing what could be a crucial blow to the insurgent movement...
...In total, seven of the insurgent group’s 15-member leadership council, thought to be based in Quetta, Pakistan, including the head of military operations, have been apprehended in the past week, according to Pakistani intelligence officials.
"A year ago when this [Obama] administration was completing its first Afghanistan review and we asked the Pakistanis about the Afghan Taliban leadership operating from their country, they flatly denied it," says Bruce Riedel, a former CIA analyst who led President Obama’s initial Afghanistan policy review. "Now not only do they say there are senior Taliban leaders in their country, but they are frankly taking action against them."
Utah Legislature Votes to Criminalize Miscarriage
Here is the law — HB12
This sums up what has taken place:
"For all these years the anti-choice movement has said ‘we want to outlaw abortion, not put women in jail, but what this law says is ‘no, we really want to put women in jail.'" Link
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Six Republicans Voted Against Jobs Bill Before Voting For It
On Monday, Senate Republicans tried to block an up-or-down vote on a jobs bill filled with tax cuts, which in and of itself is incomprehensible. When it came time to shut down the GOP filibuster, the vote was 62 to 30, with five Republicans breaking ranks to end debate and allow a floor vote on the bill.
Today, the vote on the same piece of legislation was 70 to 28. Doesn't that mean that several Republicans who voted to block the legislation on Monday ended up voting in favor of the legislation on Wednesday? Actually, yes, it means exactly that.
These senators supported a filibuster, but approved of the bill they tried to block:
Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)
Thad Cochran (R-Miss.)
James Inhofe (R-Okla.)
George LeMieux (R-Fla.)
Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)
Roger Wicker (R-Miss.)(Two more GOP senators -- Orrin Hatch of Utah and Richard Burr of North Carolina -- missed Monday's vote, but joined with Dems today.)
So, we're looking at six conservatives who voted against a jobs bill before they voted for it. Link
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Senate Republican Obstructionism By The Numbers
Via Ezra Klein from The Washington Post:
Here's a fun fact: The Senate filed 214 cloture votes (votes to break a filibuster) between 2007 and 2010. That's more than it held between 1919 and 1976. And during that period, it was actually easier to filibuster, as you needed 67 votes to break the obstruction, not 60.
Meanwhile, you'll note that 2010 is only a couple of months old. By the end of the year, we'll be nearing 300 cloture votes, if we haven't passed that milestone altogether. That brings the 2007-10 total to about what the Senate saw between 1919 and 1984. Say what you will about the Senate, but this is not traditional. The "cooling saucer" of democracy was never meant to be left in the freezer.
Governor Strickland, GM Announce Creation of 1,200 Jobs at Lordstown Plant
“I’m proud to celebrate the creation of 1,200 new Ohio jobs and the resilience of the working men and women of the Mahoning Valley. The chips were down but we never gave up,” Strickland said. “That grit and steely determination is why I love this valley and why I believe in Ohio.
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Senate sitting on 290 bills already passed by House
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McCain Rewrites Own History On Bailout Vote
In a speech the following day about improvements he was seeking to what became the TARP legislation, McCain made clear that he knew the measure was targeted at Wall Street, declaring: "No Wall Street executives should profit from taxpayer dollars ... The senior leaders of any firm that is bailed out should not be making more than the highest paid government official."
CBO Credits Stimulus Package With Major Job Creation
During the fourth quarter of 2009, the stimulus added "between 1.0 million and 2.1 million to the number of workers employed in the United States," the CBO said.
The stimulus also boosted the country's economic growth by 1.5 to 3.5 percent during the time period and lowered the nation's unemployment rate by between 0.5 and 1.1 percentage points.
In the report, the CBO noted that economic growth in 2009 was worse than they had predicted at the time that the stimulus was enacted, but that was due to a weaker economy than originally expected, rather than any failings of the stimulus. [...]
The CBO also said that in the fourth quarter the stimulus package increased the number of full-time jobs by between 1.4 and 3 million compared to the number of jobs that would have existed without the package.
Brady Center Gives Obama "F"; NRA Still Not Happy
In just one year, Barack Obama has signed into law more repeals of federal gun policies than in President George W. Bush’s eight years in office. From the repeal of Reagan Era rules keeping loaded guns out of national parks to the repeal of post-9/11 policies to safeguard Amtrak from armed terrorist attacks, President Obama’s stance on guns has endangered our communities and threatened our national security. LinkSo Obama has done more for the gun lobby in one year than President Bush did in eight? I assume Obama will be receiving praise from the Teabaggers. If not, then their disdain for him doesn't have much to do with his policies then.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Chart Helps Understand House, Senate and White House Health Care Bills
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Boccieri Visits Kean Elementary, Talks Leadership, Haiti & Air Force One
Each was warmly welcomed by combined fifth-grade classes, where Boccieri picked up valentines students made for veterans and gave an impromptu social studies lesson.
Principal Peg Butler recalled Cupples' participation on a student leadership team when he attended Kean, and Erika Ratliff, who was his fifth-grade teacher, pointed out to Boccieri a picture of Cupples in a class portrait.
EPA plans to spend $2.2B to protect Great Lakes
That plan, announced Sunday, marks a "significant investment" in fighting some of the biggest environmental threats to the nation's largest freshwater lakes, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson said. The EPA will use the money to prevent beach pollution, clean up toxic hot spots, and fight Asian carp and other invasive species. That effort "will leave the Great Lakes better for the next generation than the condition in which we inherited them," Jackson said. Link