You expect anyone to take the Teabaggers seriously when these are the types of stunts they pull?

Putting the interests of the many above the few; Government succeeds when Democrats are in charge; Truth has a liberal bias
We could devote an entire Web site to this myth, but the most recent example of how Republicans only talk about being fiscally responsible came in the Senate, when all 40 Republicans voted against Paygo. This plan, which was used by President Clinton and resulted in the surplus that President Bush squandered, would "impose a requirement that key parts of the budget must be paid for with spending cuts or tax increases to prevent the federal deficit from increasing." Four Republicans — Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, George Voinovich and John McCain — just a few years ago tried to bring back Paygo. But now they vote No? And anyone is supposed to take Republicans seriously?
In another rare moment of Republican honesty, former advisor to presidential-nominee John McCain Mark Zandi heralded the role the Recovery Act played in the 5.7% growth in the GDP during the fourth quarter of 2009.
I think stimulus was key to the 4th quarter. It was really critical to business fixed investment because there was a tax bonus depreciation in the stimulus that expired in December and juiced up fixed investment. And also, it was very critical to housing and residential investment because of the housing tax credit. And the decline in government spending would have been measurably greater without the money from the stimulus. So the stimulus was very, very important in the 4th quarter. Link
Examine the record of Republican candidate for governor John Kasich vs. the record of current Democratic governor Ted Strickland.
James O'Keefe, the young conservative filmmaker who was behind the undercover operations that led to the ACORN scandal last year, was arrested with three others for allegedly trying to bug the New Orleans office of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA).