Saturday, February 13, 2010

Consequences of Failing to Pass Health Care are Enormous

The consequences for failing to pass health care reform this year are serious. While it will be bad politically for Democrats, that's not nearly as important as the negative impact it will have on the American people.

The AP's Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar has an excellent piece on the consequences several key groups will face if health care reform fails:
[T]here's no doubting the consequences if lawmakers fail to address the problems of costs, coverage and quality: surging insurance premiums, more working families without coverage, bigger out-of-pocket bills, a Medicare prescription gap that grows wider and deeper, and government programs that pay when people get sick but do little to keep them healthy.
I think it is safe to say no other piece of legislation will have a direct impact on the life and death of thousands of Americans as health care reform.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Strickland Announces Ohio Health Information Partnership Wins $43 Million to Develop Health Information Exchange

Columbus, Ohio--Ohio Governor Ted Strickland today announced that the Ohio Health Information Partnership, the non-profit entity he designated to lead the implementation of Ohio's health information technology efforts, competed for and won $43 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the development and implementation of a health information exchange.

In addition, five Ohio entities will receive approximately $29 million for the adoption of health IT and to train workers for health care jobs.

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Man Charged With Stockpiling Weapons Was Tea Partier, Palin Fan

Only mention this story to point out how dangerous the type of rhetoric used by the Tea Party movement can potentially. For 99% of people out there, they know not to cross a certain line. But for those already mentally unstable, the violent messages that are a central part of the Tea Party movement can push someone to actually act out. And Sarah Palin irresponsible use of such phrases as "pallin' around with terrorists" and "death panels" is not only ridiculous, but irresponsible.
The Massachusetts man charged this week with stockpiling weapons after saying he feared an imminent "Armageddon" appears to have been active in the Tea Party movement, and saw Sarah Palin, who he said is on a "righteous 'Mission from God,'" as the only figure capable of averting the destruction of society. Link

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Terrorist Captured Under Bush Presidency Tried and Sentenced in Civilian Court

A woman named Aafia Siddiqui, who opened fire on American interrogators after she was captured in Afghanistan in 2008, was brought to the United States:
What makes Siddiqui's conviction relevant for the current debate is that she was captured, on a recognized battlefield -- Afghanistan -- and tried to kill FBI agents and American soldiers who had come to question her. Siddiqui, 40, could easily have been designated as an enemy combatant. But the Bush administration determined instead that she be tried in federal court. She was read her Miranda rights, and given access to a lawyer. Link
She was treated by Americans in a U.S. military hospital, transferred to American soil, arraigned in New York, charged as a terrorist.

Last week, Siddiqui was convicted, and will no doubt spend the rest of her life behind bars.

Why is this significant? Because Republicans are screaming bloody murder that the Obama administration is looking to try terrorists in civilian courts. They act like this is almost an act of treason, yet less than two years ago a Republican president did the same thing? Was there outrage then? I think we know the answer.

Republicans Claim Obama is Cutting Medicare, Then Propose Even Deeper Cuts

What this chart shows is that over the next decade, President Obama's proposed budget would spend more on Medicare than the budget proposed by GOP Rep. Paul Ryan, the top House Republican on fiscal policy.

As New York Times columnist Paul Krugman says:
You almost have to admire the audacity: Republicans are denouncing Obama for proposing Medicare cuts, while themselves proposing much deeper Medicare cuts. And they’re getting away with it. Link

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rebublican Hypocrisy: "They're Not Embarrassed"

In an absolutely must-see video, Rachel Maddow demonstrates that not only are Republicans hypocrites, they aren't even pretending to stand behind any policy positions. In fact, all they stand for is the opposite of President Obama positions -- even if they supported Obama's position previously.

Meghan McCain Blasts Tea Party Movement, Palin on 'The View'

It is a pretty big clue that you have gone over the edge if Meghan McCain, the daughter of the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, is calling you out.
"It's innate racism, and I think it's why young people are turned off by this movement (Tea Party)," McCain said. "And I'm sorry -- revolutions start with young people, not with 65-year-old people talking about literacy tests and people who can't say the word vote in English." Link

Newt Gingrich - Another Republican Hypocrite

Newt Gingrich now about prosecuting terrorists:
"Treating terrorists like criminals wrong no matter who is Pres." Link
Newt Gingrich in 2005 discussing the domestic court trial of Jose Padilla:
"Well, I think if they believe they have enough evidence to convict him, going through the process of convicting him and holding him, I suspect, may be for the rest of his life without parole would not be -- would hardly be seen as a loss," Gingrich said.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Campaign funds highest in Boccieri coffers leading to May primary

The Daily Record - U.S. Congressman John Boccieri, D-Alliance, has a two-to-one advantage in campaign funds raised over his closest Republican challenger for the 2010 16th District election.

Four Republicans are in the race for the May 4 primary election -- former Wadsworth mayor Jim Renacci, former Ashland County commissioner Matt Miller, conservative talk radio host and Canton resident Paul Schiffer and retired CPA and Canton resident H. Doyle Smith.

The winning Republican will face Boccieri in the Nov. 2 General Election.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Wayne County 2010 Jackson Day Banquet February 20

The Wayne County Democratic Party will hold their 155th consecutive Jackson Day celebration with a dinner at Memories Party & Conference Center, 2437-B Back Orrville Road, Wooster, on Saturday, Feb. 20.

Featured speakers are Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner; Congressman John Boccieri; Treasurer Kevin Boyce and more.

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Charts Prove Democrats Better For Economy, Deficit, Etc.

One of the most powerful ways to prove a point is often through charts. Here are some that clearly demonstrate that Democrats have been much better for the economy and the federal deficit.

Mass. Senator Brown Lies Moments After He Is Sworn In

So much for Senator Brown being a different kind of Republican. Within minutes after being sworn into office, Brown held a press conference. In it, he made this remarkable lie:

And at his press event, Brown once again insisted, as he'd done as a candidate, that the economic recovery effort that prevented a depression "hasn't created one new job." Link

No Republican is this ignorant. Brown is lying, and he knows it. The Recovery Act has saved between 1.5 million and 2.4 million jobs.

"Economists of all political points of view, including those from the non-partisan CBO, estimate that the Recovery Act has created or saved between 1.5 and 2.4 million jobs across America," said Jay Carney, spokesman for Vice President Joe Biden, the administration's top Recovery Act booster and watchdog.

Want a real-life example?

Alan Levin, president of Northeast Building Products, a window manufacturer, admits that at first he was skeptical of the Stimulus Act, but says, “I’m a believer now.” Indeed he must be, as his company will hire 100 more workers to keep up with the demand.

Sentator Shelby Literally Blackmails Congress & The President

Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama has placed a blanket hold on at least 70 nominations President Obama has sent to the Senate. How unusual is this? A San Diego State University professor and "Congressional expert" told the Mobile Press-Register "he knew of no previous use of a blanket hold" in recent history.

As bad as this is, it is nothing compared to what Shelby is holding out for. He is demanding billions of tax dollars for pork projects in Alabama. Even more incredible is that he wants the money for a European company over an American company. And the Republican Party is the fiscally responsible group?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sarah Palin Needs Cheat Sheets to Answer Pre-Screened Questions

This would be funny except for the fact that a major political party elevated her to presidential status, while the Teabaggers view her as a hero.

At the Tea Party Convention, Palin was given pre-screened, pre-selected questions. Yet she needed notes on her hands.

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Sarah Palin Now Bashes Financial Bailout; Favored it at the Time

It is pretty amusing to hear Palin trash the financial-industry bailout, which she just so happens to have supported at the time -- a detail she hopes her adoring fans won't remember.