Friday, April 23, 2010

March 2010 Warmest March Ever

While Republicans far and wide continue to ignore science and claim global warming/climate change is a hoax, this past March was the warmest March ever. This comes on the heels of learning that this past winter was the 5th warmest ever. But Republicans say there is nothing going on here, so we won't worry.
Last month was the warmest March on record worldwide, based on records dating back to 1880, U.S. scientists reported Thursday (April 15).

The average temperature for the month was 56.3 degrees Fahrenheit (13.5 degrees Celsius), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported.
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Daily Show/Colbert Most Knowledge Viewers; Fox, Not So Much

A new study by the Pew Research Study shows that viewers of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report have the highest knowledge of national and international affairs, while Fox News viewers rank nearly dead last:

It is a sad commentary on the corporate television media when a comedy channel not only has more knowledgeable viewers than the so-called news channel of Fox, but that many political stories are more thoroughly discussed on Comedy Central than anywhere else on television.

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Teabagger Brilliance on Video

We ask again, why are we supposed to take the Tea Party movement seriously? And how are we supposed to believe that it is based on policy issues when almost every problem they claim to have is more the result of Republican policies, not Democratic policies?

Medina County Republicans Keeping it Classy

The Medina County Republican Executive Committee sent out a newsletter this week that had this classy remark — "take Betty Sutton out of the House and put her back in the kitchen." Sutton, a Democrat, is the congressional representative from OH-13.

Now, you're probably thinking this blatant misogyny was just some sort of bad joke or was deemed so offensive by other Republicans in Medina that is was quickly denounced and apologies made. But you would be wrong. Not only has a retraction not been made at this time, this newsletter went to about 15,000 households in Medina. And how many complaints did Medina County GOP Chairman Bill Heck receive about this? None. That's right. Well over 15,000 Medina Republicans received this, yet not one of them complained. Not to get too carried away here, but why would any woman in Medina County vote for a Republican if this sentiment is either accepted or not objectionable enough to be called out?

Congressman John Boccieri stood up for Sutton and released this statement.