Friday, January 22, 2010

David Plouffe Back to Help Democrats in 2010

David Plouffe, the chief campaign manager for Barack Obama's presidential campaign and probably the smartest political strategist in the business, has been hired by the White House to oversee the 2010 elections for the House and Senate. He has an Op-Ed in the Sunday Washington Post (1/24). Here is a sample of what he wrote:

No bed-wetting. This will be a tough election for our party and for many Republican incumbents as well. Instead of fearing what may happen, let's prove that we have more than just the brains to govern -- that we have the guts to govern. Let's fight like hell, not because we want to preserve our status, but because we sincerely believe too many everyday Americans will continue to lose if Republicans and special interests win. Link

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This Headline Sums Everything Up

Scott Brown Wins Mass. Race, Giving GOP 41-59 Majority in the Senate

The Village Voice

President Clinton summed up the way voters view political parties very well. Democrats better heed this advice:

People would rather be with someone who is strong and wrong than weak and right.

The sad thing is Democrats are right. They just aren't showing much strength right now.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Founder of Holding Racist Sign

Hard to believe, I know, but self-proclaimed "President and Founder of the Tea Party" and owner of Dale Robertson held this sign up at a February 2009 Tea Party.

Ted Strickland Names Yvette McGee Brown as Running Mate for 2010

Governor Ted Strickland announced January 19 that President of the Center for Child and Family Advocacy and former Franklin County Judge Yvette McGee Brown will be his next Lieutenant Governor.

I know that Yvette will make a wonderful Lieutenant Governor because she's spent her entire life fighting for Ohio families. She is the daughter of a single mother who worked two jobs to support her family. Yvette found remarkable opportunities here in Ohio. She's taken those remarkable opportunities and used them, not to further her own goals, but to make life better for average Ohioans, especially our children.

Meet Yvette McGee Brown