Friday, February 5, 2010
Biggest Hypocrite in Politics? Sarah Palin
I'm sure there are entire Web sites dedicated to the hypocrisy of Sarah Palin, but this clip exposing her ridiculous reaction to the use of the word "retarded" sums it up pretty well.
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House Republicans Vote Against Raising Debt Ceiling
Every Republican member of the House voted against raising the debt ceiling. Why is this significant? From 1995-2007 the Republican-controlled Congress voted eight times to raise the debt ceiling. But not this time. I guess they think their voters can't remember anything prior to January 20, 2009.
And what could potentially happen if the debt limit isn't raised from time to time? We default on our loan payments and the American economy collapses.
Possibly The Wisest Comment About Politics You'll Hear This Year
The myth of bipartisanship:
After all, if the only things the party in power can accomplish are those that the minority power can agree with, then what is the point of having an election? No matter which side won a majority, "common ground" -- the things they all agree on -- would still be the same. Link
Democrats, take a moment to reflect on this. No truer words can be spoken about the political climate right now.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
McCain's Shifting Reasons For Supporting DADT
In 2006, Senator John McCain gave this answer when asked about the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy:
We have to have the most effective and professional military that we can possibly obtain. I listen to people like General Colin Powell, Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and literally every military leader that I know. Link
But now that Powell and most of the other top military leaders support repealing DADT, McCain is on board with it right? Nope. Still a sore loser who will not support anything the President wants, even if it has the backing of the military.
Country First? Republicans Pack 20 Years Worth of Obstructionism Into One Year
President Obama recently had this to say to Senate Democrats about Republicans in the Senate:
"You may have looked at these statistics. You had to cast more votes to break filibusters last year than in the entire 1950s and '60s combined. That's 20 years of obstruction packed into just one." Link
111th Congress Way More Successful Than Conventional Wisdom Suggests
The conventional wisdom on the current Congress seems pretty compelling. This is a Congress facing incredible challenges, and is struggling to rise to the occasion. But as the American Enterprise Institute's Norman Ornstein points out, this Congress is on "a path to become one of the most productive since the Great Society 89th Congress in 1965-66."
Now imagine the success of this Congress if they would pass health reform.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Why Would Democrats Move to The Right For Re-Election?
Why wont it work in 2010? Because Democrats can't move far enough to the right to satisfy Republican voters, who are currently represented by extremist Republican members of Congress.
A recent poll conducted by Research 2000 for Daily Kos demonstrates that Republicans are borderline crazy. A sampling of 2,000 self-identified Republicans found such crazy results as these:
Do you believe Barack Obama was born in the United States, or not?
Yes 42
No 36
Not Sure 22
Half of Republicans think Obama was born in the US or think it's a matter open to debate.
Do you believe ACORN stole the 2008 election?
Yes 21
No 24
Not Sure 55
One in five Republicans think ACORN is so powerful as to magically make 10 million votes appear. Another 55 are open to the theory. In other words, just 24 percent of Republicans have an even passing relationship with reality.
Should contraceptive use be outlawed?
Yes 31
No 56
Not Sure 13
Just a bare majority oppose outlawing contraceptives.
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What Wooster Might Look Like if Teabaggers Got Their Way
Colorado Springs, home of Ted Haggard and the beginnings of the Tea Party movement, has gone full-blown Teabagger. And the results?
More than a third of the streetlights in Colorado Springs will go dark Monday (Feb. 1). The police helicopters are for sale on the Internet. The city is dumping firefighting jobs, a vice team, burglary investigators, beat cops — dozens of police and fire positions will go unfilled.
The parks department removed trash cans last week, replacing them with signs urging users to pack out their own litter.
Neighbors are encouraged to bring their own lawn mowers to local green spaces, because parks workers will mow them only once every two weeks. If that. Water cutbacks mean most parks will be dead, brown turf by July; the flower and fertilizer budget is zero. Link
Monday, February 1, 2010
Palin Buys Thousands of Copies of Her Own Book
Sarah Palin has been using her political action committee to buy up thousands of copies of her book, "Going Rogue," in order to mail copies of the memoir to her donors, newly filed campaign records show.
The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate had her political organization spend more than $63,000 on what her reports describe as "books for fundraising donor fulfillment." Link
If Palin was so popular, why would she feel the need to buy her own books? Maybe its because she is using money others have donated her to collect royalties on her own book sales. Sound crazy? ABC says Palin's office hasn't told them whether she is accepting royalties from these book sales.
Letter to the Daily Record Editor
Sorry I missed last week's poll question. "Does President Obama have the country headed in the right direction" . Who wrote "An unpopular president" as the poll result? (1/29/2010) What are the 250 other comments? Will you post them online? Are they as "venemous" (your word) as the ones you selected? I particularly take offense at the Communist = Democrats paragraph. Are you expecting venom back? Is this what sells newspapers and TV ads? Is journalism bankrupt too? Are these angry folks heading our country in the right direction? (Another poll question, perhaps?)
Next week's questions: What is the most pressing concern of the country? In my mind, the big looming "something else" is the kind of venemous comments you (and we) repeat that prevent us from working together to do the right thing when it comes to Jobs, Housing, Afghanistan, Health Care and other critical issues. We can't get the job done over the shouting. It's time that quiet, concerned, patriotic and courageous folk (and politicians) begin to question this posturing and courageously work to get the job done.
Peggy Guttieri
Letter to the Editor - Balanced Reporting?
Even though I remain an ardent supporter of President Barack Obama, I concede that facts are facts. In its Friday, January 29, 2010 editorial, The Daily Record accurately stated that the Obama-Biden ticket carried neither Wayne County nor Holmes County in the 2008 general election. McCain-Palin received about 56 percent of the Wayne County vote, Obama-Biden about 41 percent. The results in Holmes County were even more disparate; McCain-Palin 69 percent to Obama-Biden’s 28 percent. The area is conservative and predominantly Republican. We know that.
So, it was not surprising that this week’s Daily Record poll question, “Does President Obama have the country headed in the right direction,” “Shows a growing disaffection with the President.” 80 percent of the 250 respondents expressed a negative opinion. Those are the facts.
But, The Daily Record then went beyond the facts. The uninformed, misguided and inaccurate comments of several respondents were faithfully highlighted. Those comments appeared to have been taken directly from the “Tea-Baggers’” talking points. What disturbed me most was the total absence of any balancing comments from the 20 percent of the respondents who answered positively. What happened to fair and balanced reporting? Yes, it was an editorial, but it was reporting poll results. The poll minority’s comments were omitted, as if there had been none. To add insult to injury, an anti-Obama, anti-Democrat editorial cartoon accompanied the editorial column.
Daily Record, you can do better. We expect better.
Don Clement