Saturday, June 5, 2010
2010 Central Committee Reorganization; 2010 Wayne County Campaign Kickoff
The Wayne County Democratic Party kicked off the 2010 campaign season with a gathering on June 5 at Party headquarters. View a gallery of photos from the event.
On May 26, the Wayne County Democratic Party held elections to see who would be the new Party officers. View a gallery of photos from the event.
Teabagger Hero Rand Paul is Anti-American
You see, the 14th Amendment grants citizenship to anyone born in the United States, regardless of whether or not their parents are U.S. citizens. There is no ambiguity about this. But here is some of what Paul says about this issue:
Paul recently suggested to a Russian TV station that the U.S. should abandon its policy of granting citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants -- even if they're born on U.S. soil.
Paul also said he's discussed instituting an "underground electrical fence" on the border to keep out unwanted elements, though he emphasized that he's "not opposed to letting people come in and work and labor in our country."
The real problem, Paul said, is that the U.S. "shouldn't provide an easy route to citizenship" because of "demographics." Link
I wonder what country Paul's ancestors immigrated from? Because unless he is of Native American descent, he is the result of immigration.
So we wait with baited breath the condemnation of Paul from the Teabaggers, who say the constitution is sacred. Isn't that why they are so adamant about having the government stay away from their guns (2nd Amendment)?
Glenn Beck Endorses Nazi Sympathizer
All this time, we were led to believe by the Teabaggers that President Obama was like Hitler. Or at least that is what some of the posters you see at Teabagger rallies showed. But lo and behold, it is Glenn Beck, one of the Teabagger heroes, who is on record promoting the work of Elizabeth Dilling, a well-known Nazi sympathizer who spoke at rallies hosted by the leading American Nazi group and praised Hitler.
And if this wasn't bad enough, Dilling was charged with conspiracy to overthrow the US Government with the aid of Nazi agents in 1944.
So when Glenn Beck and Teabaggers throw out words like fascism and Nazism to describe President Obama, the truth is they are just projecting — projecting their true feelings onto someone else.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Ohio Democratic Party Coordinated Campaign Kickoff June 5 at Local Headquarters
The Obama campaign showed us that it could be done and how to do it. There is a great support system in place, loaded, locked, and beginning to rock. We are the silver bullets that can save Ohio, and turn Wayne County back to Blue!
The Invitation: On Saturday, June 5, at 10 a.m., at Wayne County Democratic Party Headquarters, we're hosting the Democratic Coordinated Campaign Kickoff Party with a Day of Action, part of a statewide event, and you're all invited. Turn out to see who is really committed to change and winning in Wayne. I'll go over how we're going to do it, what's been done already, and prove to you that it's doable. You know that we've done it before, and it's essential that we do it again, and we are going to do it together.
One featured guest will David Pepper, our candidate for State Auditor. He is one indication of the faith the Democratic Coordinated Campaign has in us. Our other guest is Ohio House Majority Whip Jay Goyal.
After the kickoff, we'll ask people to go door to door and talk to our friends and neighbors about why this election is so important. They'll receive all the training you need at the kickoff - no prior experience is necessary! You are all obviously invited to the event and to help canvass on this very important day!
These events are very important and need to have a lot of people there to show how strong we are this year. That being said I need everyone to help drive interest and attendance by making phone calls this weekend and over the next two weeks to get the word out to people. If we all can make calls and turn out a good crowd at these events it will go a long way towards winning in 2010.
Jim Bird
ODP Field Organizer
Ashland and Wayne Counties
Monday, May 31, 2010
Ohio Added More Jobs in April Than Any Month in 22 Years
Ironic, isn't it, considering Jim Renacci, a car salesman, is like all Republican politicians, running around asking where all the jobs are. Well, Mr. Renacci, considering the Republican party that you are a part of, and more importantly whose policies you embrace, decimated Ohio with job losses, you should know where to find them. In the dustbin of failed Republican economic policies, embraced by President George W. Bush and Republicans in Congress during the last decade. As the Wall Street Journal put it — Bush on Jobs: The Worst Track Record on Record.