Saturday, July 3, 2010

John Boccieri to Appear on CNN's State of the Union Sunday

Update: Here is the video from the State of the Union tv segment:

This Sunday, July 4th, Congressman John Boccieri (D-Alliance) will be participating in CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning roundtable with Candy Crowley. Boccieri will be joined by Republican Representatives Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Mike Coffman (R-CO).

All three members of Congress are military members, recently elected. Their conversation will focus on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – discussing the strategies there, the sacrifices and the recent resignation of General Stanley McChrystal.

They will be speaking from experience as military members and will highlight how that experience has shaped their views on military issues as freshmen members of Congress.

CNN’s State of the Union airs at 9:00am and again at NOON on Sunday, July 4th.

We hope you can tune in for this special program.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yes We Can Still Blame Bush

You know the so-called mainstream media is letting our democracy down when Comedy Central is constantly reporting stories and distributing facts that they will not. The latest example comes from the Daily Show's Jon Stewart, who makes the obvious case that we can still blame President Bush, because his failures were so immense, it will takes years, even decades to recover:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Why Do Republicans Hate Americans?

Ed Schultz from MSNBC has a great take on the Republicans, and their seeming disdain for every American outside of those from big corporations. If you needed any more proof, their blockage of unemployment benefits, including to those for veterans, should be all you need:

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