Saturday, February 20, 2010

Seeing The Forest Through The Trees: Health Reform Popular if Pitched Right

One of the frustrating elements of the whole health care debate is how reforming America's health care system has turned into something negative. There is no debate that something needs to be done. Even Republicans admit it — they just have no plans to fix it. The Democrats have put together a plan that has plenty of Republican ideas (even without Republican votes), yet the health reform bills passed in Congress are not nearly as favorable as they should be. Why? Because the public doesn't understand what is in the bills. Republicans, with the help of a clueless mainstream media, have lied about health care for a year. And Democrats have been very timid in fighting back.

But if you pull out some of the major elements of the health care bills and poll them, the popularity of the provisions are striking. After viewing these results, not only does passing health care reform make for good policy, it makes for good politics as well.

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