What makes Siddiqui's conviction relevant for the current debate is that she was captured, on a recognized battlefield -- Afghanistan -- and tried to kill FBI agents and American soldiers who had come to question her. Siddiqui, 40, could easily have been designated as an enemy combatant. But the Bush administration determined instead that she be tried in federal court. She was read her Miranda rights, and given access to a lawyer. LinkShe was treated by Americans in a U.S. military hospital, transferred to American soil, arraigned in New York, charged as a terrorist.
Last week, Siddiqui was convicted, and will no doubt spend the rest of her life behind bars.
Why is this significant? Because Republicans are screaming bloody murder that the Obama administration is looking to try terrorists in civilian courts. They act like this is almost an act of treason, yet less than two years ago a Republican president did the same thing? Was there outrage then? I think we know the answer.