Sunday, March 14, 2010

President Obama Is a Failure - Early April Fools Edition

It is remarkable how many people actually believe the notion that President Obama has some how been a failure. It is so laughable that in some ways it should be completely ignored. But since the mainstream media does nothing to set the record straight, we must trudge on.

In an article titled "Obama Gets High Scores on Leadership Report Card" by Paul Bedard of the U.S. News & World Report, Obama gets nearly a perfect 4.0 grade on his leadership skills:
That's according to presidential historian and author Fred Greenstein, professor of politics emeritus at Princeton University. The author of the new Inventing the Job of President has just updated his initial Obama report card and declared the president a "rare political leader."

"Indeed," adds Greenstein, "he may turn out to be the rare political leader who is marked by both a first-rate temperament and a first-rate mind."
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