FDIC Chair Sheila Bair, a Bush/Cheney appointee to the FDIC, a former assistant Treasury secretary in the Bush administration, had this to say about McConnell's comments about the financial reform bill that is currently being worked on in the Senate. McConnell claimed that the bill will perpetuate bailouts of major financial institutions:
Would this bill perpetuate bailouts?
BAIR: The status quo is bailouts. That's what we have now. If you don't do anything, you are going to keep having bailouts. Bankruptcy doesn't work -- we saw that with Lehman Brothers.
But does this bill stop them from happening?
BAIR: It makes them impossible and it should. We worked really hard to squeeze bailout language out of this bill. The construct is you can't bail out an individual institution — you just can't do it.
In a true liquidity crisis, the FDIC and the Fed can provide systemwide support in terms of liquidity support -- lending and debt guarantees -- but even then, a default would trigger resolution or bankruptcy. Link