I continue to be astounding by the utter ignorance of most of the Teabaggers. They believe President Obama and the Democrats are out to destroy the country. Why they would do that, I haven't heard a good reason yet. But yet they get behind a political hack and grifter like Sarah Palin and believe almost anything she says.
Let's look at the Cap and Trade issue. Congressman John Boccieri voted for a climate bill that contained a form of Cap and Trade last year. Local Teabaggers like the ones pictured here think it is a threat to our liberty. Again, no rational reason to think this, but I guess because Obama supports it, it must be bad. But I wonder how they would feel if they knew (or would acknowledge) that cap and trade was a signature part of the McCain/Palin climate change platform during the 2008 election?
Seriously, this is one for the ages:

So as we've repeated over and over on this blog — the Teabaggers claim to have policy stances, but often they are in direct opposition to what they actually want. Throw in that they blame President Obama and Democrats for things that Republicans have done, it makes you wonder where this anger is coming from. Where was it when President Bush was running up the deficit and authorizing illegal wiretapping of American citizens? Why aren't they going after Palin for attacking American liberty? Very strange, isn't it.