Wednesday, March 10, 2010

'Cash for Clunkers' Much Greater Success Than Originally Reported

The "Cash for Clunkers" program seems to be a favorite whipping boy for those who cite that government doesn't know how to run any type of program. Well, looks like the anti-government crowd is going to have to find something else to beat up now:

Search online for "Cash for Clunkers," and here's one thing you'll find: stories about its negligible overall impact on the economy.

Wrong, says Maritz Automotive Research Group. The Toledo, Ohio, independent automotive research company recently surveyed participants in last summer’s federal program designed to stimulate new-car sales and get gas-guzzlers off the road. On Tuesday, the company shared its results.

One key finding: 90 percent of those participating in Cash for Clunkers said they would not otherwise have bought a new car. Link

According to federal government data, 677,000 purchases were made through Cash for Clunkers from late July through August. Maritz’s research showed that 542,000 were incremental new car or truck sales, meaning those purchases would not have occurred without the incentives. Previous estimates by industry analysts put the incremental sales figure between 125,000 and 346,00.

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