had a previous post about the childishness of the
Wayne County Young Republicans, and I guess we can't expect them to behave in the adult manner that their older counterparts in Washington will be doing the next couple of years, but still, some of their
Twitter comments need to be examined a little more closely:
Oct. 25, 2010: "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." (Link)
I don't think they would even know what socialism is, or could define what is bad about it. But since labels are things better used for school-aged children to better understand the world rather than some sort of enlightened political observation,
we will just let the numbers speak for themselves.
Sept. 20, 2010: "Come take a bite out of Porkulus! Saturday 6-10 @ Lamplighters in Wooster! $5 per person, portion of proceeds benefit Every Woman's House" (Link)
It's nice they held an event with proceeds going to charity, but again, they couldn't help themselves with the name calling. The "Porkulus" as they call it saved us from another Great Depression -- which would have been the creation of Republican policies. Of course, not only did the stimulus save the economy,
it has created million of jobs.
July 27, 2010: Liberals...hard on babies, soft on terrorists. (Link)
Maybe the Young Republicans should check in with President Bush's Director of National Intelligence, Vice Admiral Mike McConnell (ret.), who told CNN that President Obama has been "
as aggressive, if not more aggressive" in pursuing terror threats.
July 20, 2010: "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it." -Ronald Reagan (Link)
Looks like the Young Republicans need a little history refresher.
Tax rates under President Reagan for the top income bracket were significantly more than what President Obama proposed.
President Reagan also tripled the national debt. Looks like Reagan was more familiar with Socialism than Republicans want to admit.
July 15, 2010: Cheney has heart device implanted...Biden still on waiting list for a brain... (Link)
Young Republican sense of humor.
July 3, 2010: Happy Independence day to one and all! We said no to tyranny then and we still say no to it now! All you liberals - take note. (Link)
Here the Young Republicans make veiled threat that they will use force to keep down the tyranny of liberals. You know, since the Founding Fathers were Republicans, as are all veterans (trying to bring a little humor to this abhorrent comment).
June 15, 2010: Obama's Cap & Trade scam will prevent future oil spills in the same way that Obamacare will prevent syphilis... (Link)
Tried to come up with a response to this ignorance, but it's hard talking with people who think 2+2=5.
June 13, 2010: Tuesday @ 6:30 pm - Come to Three Amigos in Wooster and celebrate the Arizona immigration law!!! (Link)
I wonder if they had the guts to tell the owners of the restaurant this is what they were celebrating. If they wanted to celebrate the law, they should have found the nearest private prison,
since their lobbying group wrote the law.
June 8, 2010: Bobby Jindal has already done more than Obama to try and mitigate the oil spill. (Link)
No matter how much Republicans want to wish it so, President Obama's handling of the Oil Spill was spot on,
while Governor Jindal made a fool of himself.
May 31, 2010: Obama - quick to criticize BP but slow to give honors to our nation's fallen. (Link)
Apparently nothing is off limits for the Young Republicans. Talk about no respect for the Office of the Presidency.
May 12, 2010: Cap & Trade criminalizes the act of breathing. (Link)
I wonder if the Young Republicans are comfortable telling
Sarah Palin, John McCain, first President Bush, President Reagan, etc., they are criminalizing the act of breathing. Again, study up on history.
April 12, 2010: Being a liberal means smoking dope while complaining about tobacco company CEOs. (Link)
This was either written by a 12-year old or someone smoking dope.
March 31, 2010: Wherever you find rampant crime there you shall find a permissive, liberal government. (Link)
Sounds good,
except that it is completely wrong. But then again, facts don't matter, just a nice soundbite. Of course we won't mention how within the first year of that tough-conservative government that President Bush oversaw we saw the largest successful act terrorism ever on American soil.
March 21, 2010: I'd take a chill pill about the passing of Pelosi-Care but the government would deny my Rx... (Link)
Must have lost their talking point notes that day, calling it "Pelosi-Care" instead of "ObamaCare."
March 11, 2010: The only smart thing 1960’s era liberals ever said was, “Question authority.” Too bad their drug-addled minds have lost that principle. (Link)
They seem unusually obsessed with drugs here, sort of like Rush Limbaugh.
March 9, 2010: When the feminists shouted, “Keep your laws off of my body,” did that include ObamaCare??? (Link)
They've gone from mocking liberals and the '60s (the birth of the feminist movement) to speaking for them.
Nov. 18, 2009: Urban Dictionary's 2nd definition of Obama is "The Messiah for brain-dead Democrats." Goodbye Webster....Hello Urban Dictionary! (Link)
Last but not least, nothing like creating a label (Messiah) then using it as a criticism of the President, as if he or any of his supporters ever thought or called him that.